Saturday, August 31, 2019

John Rawls’s A Theory of Justice

In his influential book A Theory of Justice, John Rawls structured his concept of society around two principles of justice that he argues were best chosen under a â€Å"veil of ignorance† (1971).Rawls maintains â€Å"that the first requires equality in the assignment of basic rights and duties, while the second holds that social and economic inequalities are just only if they result in compensating benefits for everyone, and in particular for the least advantaged members of society† (1971). His argument for the second, while not purely and purposefully classifying society as equitable and impartial, supports the idea that contribution should be proportionate to one’s ability or capability.There are a multitude of ways to interpret Rawls’s second take on the concept of justice, some agreeable and some not. He argues that in order for others to prosper, some should have less (Rawls, 1971).He also asserts the idea that in looking at the bigger picture, everyo ne in the society achieves benefits by catering to what seems like a monopoly of wealth, power and therefore, opportunity. Rawls’s justice supports the socialist idea that majority of society’s responsibilities and burdens should be carried by those who can—those who are wealthy, have power, and therefore, are more capable of managing the said responsibilities.While these may be good points to support his ideas, Rawls’s theory fails by theoretically preventing change in societies where these so-called social inequalities already exist—societies where those high up already enjoy the benefits of good living standards, while those in the lower brackets either continue or further suffer in their disadvantages. It is also faulty in the sense that the poor essentially â€Å"pick up the scraps† that the rich had left.Rawls idea that inequality can actually be just and fair leaves much to be desired. It should have been more egalitarian in the sense that both the rich and the poor would have equitable access to wealth and power. It would be difficult to guarantee justice in a society that separates those who can afford justice from those who can afford justice more.ReferencesRawls, J. (1971). A Theory of Justice. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Kay Boyle’s Astronomer’s Wife

Astronomer’s Wife Plot Summary Kay Boyle’s â€Å"The Astronomer’s Wife† is a brief story about a women’s dissatisfaction with her husband and her life. It Begins with Mrs. Katherine Ames waking up in her villa. She called for her maidservant to bring her some coffee as she begun to think about her husband, the astronomer. The maidservant then interrupted her thinking by telling her that the plumber had arrived. Mrs. Ames repeated herself, â€Å"I am Mrs. Ames†¦ I am Mrs. Ames† to call for the plumber. She showed the plumber to a room that has flooded.The plumber examines the flooded room and remarked that it was the â€Å"soil line† was responsible for the plugged drain. While the plumber headed outside to look at the pipes, the astronomer yelled at his wife that â€Å"There’s a problem worthy of your mettle! † as he is still on his bed. Mrs. Ames proceeded outside to the plumber and where he noted that the drains ar e â€Å"big enough for a man to stand upright in them†. Though, Mrs. Ames wasn’t paying any attention because she was still thinking about her husband’s thoughts and the things that he did to make her sad.Meanwhile, Mrs. Ames then looked at the plumber and noticed that he is looking â€Å"up in her face†. She noticed several physical characteristics about the plumber, â€Å"hair as light as gold, lean cheeks, rugged bones, firm and clean flesh. † She began to think about the differences between the plumber and the astronomer, a men who descend and men who go up. Suddenly, everything about the plumber became appealing to her, and she continued to think about the dissatisfaction of her husband. At the end of the story, Mrs. Ames followed the plumber into the drainpipes. CharactersMrs. Ames is the main character of the story. She is married to an astronomer who is a distant and overly interested in abstract things that had caused her to feel dissatisf action of him. She is the astronomer’s only link in the story, but she means a little to him. So such a long time she hadn’t entirely immersed in life from her husband, she then was appealed by the plumber, who is the contrast of the astronomer. The astronomer is married to Mrs. Ames. In the story, the narrator mentioned about the astronomer that â€Å"he was a man of other things, a dreamer. He spent most of his time examining the heavens and attempting to remain as high above the earth as possible. Even Mrs. Ames stated that he likes being on the roof or mountains for many times. However he never physically appeared in the story and only heard from him once when he yelled to Mrs. Ames. His behavior had made Mrs. Ames to think about him most of the time and dissatisfied of him. Meanwhile, the plumber is the astronomer’s opposite. While the astronomer preferred to be high up, the plumber descended down into pipes below the ground.In the story, he had been descr ibe physically and also been suggested as â€Å"brutal. † Mrs. Ames was attracted to his physicality as the plumber is the one who paid attention to her, looked her in her eye when he spoke, and treated her politely. At the end of the story, the plumber told Mrs. Ames an experience which in a sense that the plumber wanted to give her back and important element of her life that she had lost. Reader – Response Criticism Based on my own interpretation, the story shows that when a person, Mrs.Ames, feels the loss of love in a relationship and becomes unhappy, the person will look for the affection elsewhere. Then another character, the plumber, shows up and gives the spouse what she has been missing who is able to give her what has not had. This marriage has turned Mrs. Ames to a robot-like, routinely and every day is the same. This relationship would mostly result in unhappiness and unhealthy. It is because Mr. Ames find more interest in his profession than he does in his wife, clearly is the cause of his wife’s dissatisfaction.Every scene in the story is well described in words. All the details and descriptions help enrich the story. The major characters involved are Mrs. Ames and the plumber. The husband is mostly described by the wife, but he is only the minor character as he is not physically involved in the story. Meanwhile, the maidservant girl is another character which only involved in few scenes throughout the story. The story didn’t describe that Mr. and Mrs. Ames are in a relationship trouble, but the expressions, actions, and thoughts described is a clear indication of a marriage conflict.Even neither the plumber nor Mrs. Ames mention anything about them being interested in each other, but mostly described by the narrating that it is more than just a plumbing problem. Mrs. Ames describe her relationship with Mr. Ames is by talking about him. Although Mrs. Ames didn’t show directly of how she feel about her husband in the story, but is the way she speaks of him in front of the plumber. The couples are actually quite young, but the way they are described makes them look like they are in there fifties, where they seem like too old for any changes in their life.Conclusion The literature contains a lot more than we could expect. The story is actually quite simple, yet there is so much detail within it. Though the theme of a relationship gone bad is so common, but each sentence in the story tell us more to say inside than what is on top. The character’s dialogue is always either focuses on what the character is saying, or focuses on what is meant by what the character is saying. It shows that there is an opposition in each of the character’s words. Thus, it enriches the story into an exciting and provoking story to read.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Information system development life cycle models Essay

Health information managers must understand the components of information systems and how information systems affect the organization, individuals within the organization, and interested publics outside the organization. Information systems provide opportunities to improve internal operations, create competitive advantage in the marketplace, improve patient-care delivery, enhance research, and provide better service. Information system risk occurs when the systems are not well integrated, are poorly managed, or do not support the goals of the organization. In order to exploit information system opportunities and minimize threats and risks, a thorough understanding of information system components and how these relate to the organization is necessary. An information system is composed of a group of components (people, work processes, data, and information technologies) that interact through defined relationships to accomplish a goal. Information systems must be able to adapt to environmental change. A good example of a health-related information system is an order entry system. The goal of the system is to process physician orders. The system is composed of a group of components including people (nurses, physicians, unit secretaries, laboratory personnel), data, work processes, and information technologies. Each of these components interacts through defined relationships. fails to accommodate the environment or if the interactions among its component parts fail, the system becomes nonfunctional and disintegrates. Thus, a system must be composed of a group of components that: ï‚ · Interact through defined relationships ï‚ · Work toward accomplishing a goal ï‚ · Self-adapt and respond to environmental changes Figure 2-1 provides an example of the relationship of these characteristics. An information system is composed of a group of components (people, work processes, data, and information technologies) that interact through defined relationships to accomplish a goal. Information systems must be able to adapt to environmental change. A good example of a health-related information system is an order entry system. The goal of the system is to  process physician orders. The system is composed of a group of components including people (nurses, physicians, unit secretaries, laboratory personnel), data, work processes, and information technologies. Each of these components interacts through defined relationships The peoples enter orders in a predefined way through a data entry terminal (hardware) and through interaction with software. Through the predefined interactions between the hardware and software, the order is processed. The order entry system is self-adapting and able to accommodate environmental changes such as order volume. The example depicted in Figure 2-2 demonstrates the characteristics of a system as applied to an information system: component parts working in predefined relationships that can self-adapt to environmental changes to accomplish a common goal. As the bidirectional arrows depict in Figure 2-2, at any given time there is a potential three-way interaction between all system components. People interact or are affected by work practices, data, and information technologies. Work practices affect people and may be impacted by data availability and information technologies. Information technologies may affect work practices, people, and the input, processing, or dissemination of data. Thus, we see that information components are highly interrelated. Recognizing these interrelationships is very important, since a problem with one component will likely adversely impact all other components within an information system. When information system problems arise, it is crucial that all information system components and their relationships be examined System Elements Systems have three principal elements: inputs, processing mechanisms, and outputs. Figure 2-3 depicts their simple relationship. In the order entry example given previously, inputs include physician orders such as laboratory, radiology, or pharmacy orders that are entered in a computer terminal on the patient-care unit. The orders are subjected to several processing mechanisms that check their consistency and completeness before they are routed to the appropriate department. The output of the system is a requisition for a specific type of test, procedure, or pharmaceutical. In addition to inputs, processes, and outputs, most systems also have a  feedback loop. Feedback provided by the system influences future inputs. In the order entry example, feedback regarding nonavailability of an ordered drug in the pharmacy department inventory might be provided to the physician. In this case, the system might suggest what alternatives or substitutes are available Information System Components All definitions of an information system must embody the essence of the four system characteristics that were previously presented. Thus, an information system is a group of interrelated and self-adapting components working through defined relationships to collect, process, and disseminate data and information for accomplishment of specific organizational goals. The components of an information system should be broadly interpreted. For example, information system components should be viewed to include people, work procedures, data, and information technologies (Alter, 1992). Although organizational goals may not be specifically included in the components of an information system, they must be viewed as the driving force for the development, design, implementation, and evaluation of information systems. Each information system must be evaluated in terms of its contribution to meeting the goals of the organization Information System Types In Chapter 2, six types of information systems are discussed: transaction processing systems (TPS), management information systems (MIS), decision support systems (DSS), executive information systems (EIS), expert systems (ES), and office automation systems (OAS). Early systems in health care were principally transaction processing systems. These systems automated operational functions such as accounting, payroll, inventory, and admission/discharge systems. Later, other transaction systems, such as order entry, were added to the capabilities. Management information systems emerged in the late 1970s and gradually became more sophisticated during the 1980s. One factor influencing the growth of MIS during this period was the introduction of the national prospective payment (diagnostic-related groups or DRGs) system for Medicare patients. Because of DRG implementation, hospitals needed information systems that provided better filtered and formatted data for making managerial and strategic decisions. The  implementation of DRGs also revealed the weaknesses of current information systems in linking and integrating data. Weaknesses associated with the proliferation of stand-alone systems and the historical emphasis on financial systems became magnified during the 1980s coiera When the same kind of decision is made on a regular basis, it will require access to the same kind of data and may use the same knowledge. In these circumstances, one can develop a regular process or information system to accomplish the task. An information system could thus be anything from the routine way in which a clinician records patient details in a pocket notebook, the way a triage nurse assesses patients on arrival in an emergency department, through to a complex computer-based system that regulates payments for healthcare services. An information system is distinguished from other systems by its components, which include data and models. Recall from the last chapter that there are several different kinds of information model, including databases and knowledge bases. These different information components can be put together to create an information system. For example, consider a calculator that can store data and equations in its memory. The data store is the calculator’s database, and the equation store is its knowledge base. The input to the calculator becomes the equation to be solved, as well as the values of data to plug into the equation. The database communicates with the knowledge base using a simple communication channel within the device, and the output of the system is the value for the solved equation (Figure 3.6). There are many potential internal components that could be included within an information system, including a database, a knowledge base, an ontology, and decision procedures or rules of inference. The different components of an information system are connected together with input/output channels, which allow data to be shifted between the components as needed. A patient record system is a more complex example of an information system. Its purpose is to record data about particular patients in some formalized fashion to assist in the control Wager2009  An information system (IS) is an arrangement of information (data), processes, people, and information technology that interact to collect, process, store, and provide as output the information needed to support the organization (Whitten & Bentley, 2005). Note that information technology is a component of every information system. Information technology is a contemporary term that describes the combination of computer technology (hardware and software) with data and telecommunications technology (data, image, and voice networks). Often in current management literature the terms information system and information technology are used interchangeably. 6.1.1 What Is a System?shortliffe Until now, we have referred informally to health information systems and computer systems. What do we mean when we refer to a system? In the most general sense, a system is an organized set of procedures for accomplishing a task. It is described in terms of (1) the problem to be solved; (2) the data and knowledge required to address the problem; and (3) the internal process for transforming the available input into the desired output (Figure 6.1). When we talk about systems in this book, we usually mean computer-based (or just computer) systems. A computer system combines both manual and automated processes; people and machines work in concert to manage and use information. A computer system has these components: ââ€"  Hardware: The physical equipment, including processing units (e.g., the central processing unit (CPU)), data-storage devices, comunication equipment, terminals, and printers ââ€"  Software: The computer programs that direct the hardware to carry out the automated processes—i.e., to respond to user requests and schedules, to process input data, to store some data for long periods, and to communicate informative results to the users; at times the software will prompt the users to perform manual processes System Design and Engineering in Health Care 235 ââ€"  Customers: The users who interact with the software and hardware of the system, issue requests, and use the results or forward them to others; there will be other users who are concerned with providing input, system operations, backup, and maintenance The role of a computer is, broadly speaking, the conversion of data into information. Every piece of data must be supplied by a person, by another computer system, or by data collection  equipment, as seen in patient monitoring (see Chapter 17). Information that is output is delivered to health care professionals or becomes input to another computer system. In other words, a medical computer system is a module within the overall health care delivery system. The overall health care system not only determines the need for the computer system (e.g., which data must be processed and which reports must be generated) but also the requirements for the system’s operation (e.g., the degree of reliability and responsiveness to requests for information). Acquisition and operation of a computer system has implications for the organization of an institution. Who controls the information? Who is responsible for the accuracy of the data? How will the system be financed? The installation of a computer system has sociological consequences as well. The introduction of a new system alters the work routines of health care workers. Furthermore, it may affect the traditional roles of health care workers and the existing relationships among groups of individuals—e.g., between physicians and nurses, between nurses and patients, and between physicians and patients. Important ethical and legal questions that arise include the confidentiality of patient information, the appropriate role of computers in patient care (especially in medical decision making), and the responsibility of developers and users for ensuring the correct operation of the system (see Chapter 10). Although the technical challenges in system development must be met, organizational factors are crucial determinants of the success of a computer system within the institution. These factors can differ greatly among institutions and can make the transfer of a well-functioning system to another site difficult. 6.1.2 Functions of a Computer System Computers have been used in every aspect of health care delivery, from the simple processing of business data, to the collection and interpretation of physiological data, to the education of physicians and nurses. Each chapter in Unit II of this book describes an important area for the application of computers in biomedicine. The unique characteristics of each problem area create special requirements for system builders to address. The motivation  for investing in these applications, however, is the computer’s ability to help health professionals in some aspect of information management. We identify eight topics that define the range of basic functions that may be provided by medical computer systems: 1. Data acquisition and presentation 2. Record keeping and access 3. Communication and integration of information 4. Surveillance 5. Information storage and retrieval 6. Data analysis 7. Decision support 8. Education .

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Healthcare Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Healthcare Policy - Essay Example changes in accordance to providing an effective healthcare policy, and how it helps in the dimension of population health is included into the main body. The last section includes concluding response to this problem. The method is particularized examination of the literature together with the critical summarizing and personal inferences on the topic. Healthcare policy is considered to be a number of complexes concerning social and political processes that are directed on providing medical care to the population of the country (Barr, 2011). All factors and forces that provide an influence on the implementation of medical treatment for people are included to the dimension of the term healthcare policy. That is an essential branch concerning social stability and health of population. The United States of America is regarded as a country with highly developed and rather effective system of healthcare policy (Niles, 2014). The majority of population in this country is able to use medical services in order to be successfully treated with the health insurance suggested by the governmental institutions rules (Niles, 2014). Healthcare policy and regulations in USA are functioned to construct rather effective and prosperous conditions in the dimension of medicine for American population. Moreover, the quality of treatment and medical care in USA stays in a high level. Preparation of medical specialists together with modern equipment represents the basis of medical care in this country (Barr, 2011). We may stay the idea about highly developed and completely improved system of health care in the USA. The matter is that medical services in USA are provided by special insurance and this is what covers the cost of treatment for the population (Niles, 2014). People who are able to pay for the reliable insurance are pretended to be treated immediately and with the highest quality. People with low social status or with low income they are deprived from an appropriate free

International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

International Business - Essay Example who pointed to the small current-trade between Canada and Mexico, Mexican competition with Canadian goods in US markets and the supposed failure of the then existing Canadian-US trade agreement. Today, after sixteen years does the Canadian experience confirm the fears of the critics or did NAFTA live up to the expectations? For Canada, the NAFTA is an improvement on its previous trade agreement with the United States – the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA) - in a number of respects. Canada now has an extension of duty drawbacks and greater discipline over standards, which should reduce border conflicts with the US. I would like to underscore, as well that the best part of the agreement in my opinion is that Canada, along with the US and Mexico have the same low or zero most favored nation tariff on imports such as computers. This old custom union model has huge advantages because rules of origin are not required for trade in that product within the union. In addition, Canada also reaps some benefits in the area of agriculture. Between 1991 and 2002, Canadian exports absorbed by the United States rose from 39 to 67 percent. (Volrath 2004) The Canadian oil is also gobbled up exclusively by the United States along with its underlying strategic political mileage for the country. On the economic side, investments also poured in, particularly those from foreign companies who want to access the NAFTA market. In a way, this fact provides an argument against those NAFTA critics who argue that investment is lost to Mexico due to cheap labor. As it is, there are countries and firms who prefer Canada over Mexico because the country’s labor pool is skilled and educated; and over the US, because of the appeal of lower costs and a moderate tax regime. This is underscored by the tremendous rise in the foreign direct investment in the country. Annual figures during the first seven years of NAFTA reflected an average of $21.4 billion investment s for the country, almost

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Permanent Pair Bonding Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Permanent Pair Bonding - Research Paper Example 227). Pair-bonds can be defined as long-term affiliation between two individuals that also includes a sexual relationship. This relationship is relatively enduring irrespective of whether it is monogamous or polygamous. Various hypotheses have surfaced regarding the evolution of human pair-bonds, with some considering it a consequence of the competition of male mating while others considering it paternal provisioning’s adaptation. This paper explores the evolution of permanent pair bonding in humans. Pair bonding is one of the most fundamental behaviors in humans like it is in all other primates and mammals. The importance of pair bonding is secondary probably only to such physiological needs as food and air. It is a natural behavior because of which it is commonly exhibited by both humans and non-human living beings, though in humans, a wide range of factors influence humans’ perceptions about and trends in pair bonding. Humans’ pair bonding patterns and behaviors are considerably different from those of other primates, humans being superior to them. Although the bond between a child and a mother in humans is homologous with the bond seen in other primates as well as mammals, yet the pair bond between a man and a woman and the pair bond between a man and a child in humans are not comparable to any terrestrial primate’s or mammals’ bonds (Immerman, 2003, p. 138). ... mother and a child in humans is similar to other terrestrial primates but the bases of affiliative bond between a man and a woman or between a child and a man is dissimilar between humans and primates. The biological explanation of the evolution of pair-bonding is explained by the research on the monogamous rodents that has led to the emergence of a neurobiological model of formation of pair-bond (Young and Wang, 2004). The neuropeptides oxytocin and vasopressin play an important role in dealing with the social cues that help in individual recognition. Reward learning and reinforcement is caused by mesolimbic dopamine. During the process of mating, dopamine receptors and neuropeptide get activated concurrently in the brain’s reward centers which leads to the conditioned preference for partner in pair-bonding. The differences observed in the tendency to develop pair bonds across different species is explained by the differential regulation of the expression of neuropeptide rece ptor. A very important perspective of the evolution of human pairing is grounded in religion. This is the perspective believed by a vast majority of people that believe in God and typically those that belong to an Abrahamic religion. It is mentioned in the religious scriptures that God made Adam and Eve as a pair and the entire generations of humans that have born ever since evolved from this first pair. For instance, in Surah Al-Nisa, it is mentioned, â€Å"O humans! Be pious (careful of your duty) to your Lord, Who created you from a single self (soul), and from it He created its mate, and from them He has spread a multitude of men and women† (Al-Nisa 4:1 cited in El-Najjar, 2007). This verse reveals about the commencement of life with one soul from which, its mate was made. Over the passage of

Monday, August 26, 2019

Doubt play vs. movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Doubt play vs. movie - Essay Example As mentioned earlier, Doubt is a story revolving around a nun’s qualms about a priest’s sexual involvement with an African-American Altar boy. Sister Aloysius is the head nun and principal of a catholic school called St. Nicholas. Father Flynn is a new teacher at St. Nicholas; he has an affable personality and is highly articulate. The character list includes another member of the faculty, Sister James; an impressionable and inexperienced teacher; she is highly obedient. Therefore when Sister Aloysius commands everyone to keep their eyes open for unusual behavior, she is the first one to suspect Father Flynn. (Brantley, 2006) The main source of the suspicion is triggered when Sister James observes the intimacy between Father Flynn and the only African American student Donald Muller. There are a number of other factors that eventually lead her to confirm her suspicions such as, when Donald is summoned by Father Flynn during Sister James’ class and when he returns, he seems upset and intoxicated, and finally Sister James notices Father Flynn putting a white shirt in Donald’s locker, during a dance lesson. Sister James confides her suspicion to Sister Aloysius, who later confronts Father Flynn. Father Flynn provides a plausible explanation that he had found Donald drinking and wanted to help him get over his drinking problem. However, Sister Aloysius is still unsatisfied and decides to talk to Donald Muller’s mother. Mrs. Muller seems completely ambivalent and asks Sister Aloysius not to pursue the matter any further. She mentions that Donald is currently coping with his abusive father and also hints that it is because of his sexual orientation that causes Mr. Muller to beat Donald up. She pleads with her to remain silent and not take any action against Father Flynn and tries to rationalize their relationship, but Sister Aloysius remains adamant. Despite the fact that she was unable to collect any hard evidence against Father Fly nn to substantiate her allegation, she confronts Father Flynn again and threatens to him to tell her the truth or she will approach her superiors. Father Flynn denies but finally succumbs to her demands and requests for a transfer when Sister Aloysius tells him that she telephoned his previous parish and discovered ample amount of evidences regarding his dubious past. She told him that she knew he had changed a few parishes because of misconduct; however, the details of misconduct were not specified and there are several nuns, who are willing to testify against him. (Brantley, 2006) The story ends with Father Flynn getting transferred to a different school and Sister Aloysius confiding in Sister James that she found nothing against him and her telephoning the authorities was a mere fabrication.. In the end, she breaks down in to tears and says, â€Å"I have doubts†¦ I have such doubts†. The film and play adaptation followed the same plot and even the dialogues were near verbatim; which shows the strong correspondence between both the play and the movie. However, in case of differences, there are countless differences but the changes are only minor and subtle and nothing too plot-altering. The most ostensible difference is the fact that there are more characters in the movie than in the play. (Brantley, 2004) The depiction of the story deviates from the normal four-character play by Mr.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Gap analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gap analysis - Essay Example Proficiency in communication as an art can be learned depending upon motivations and goals (Littlejohn & Foss, 2008). The advent of information technology with electronic means of communication modernized even its learning process traversing what once were limitations in terms of culture, space and ethics (Littlejohn & Foss, 2008). Sociopsychologist, Cybernetics, and Sociocultural groups may slightly vary in interest, rights, and values in the aspects of communication as well as it motivations, but, bottom-line is the crossover between and among communicators (Littlejohn & Foss, 2008). Being proactive makes an efficient manager bringing about flexibility and the ability to make appropriate responses (Harrell, 2003). Being polite brings about respect, trust and honesty, a mark in trade that can be a lasting legacy (Harrell, 2003). With the advent of Information technology coupled with electronic communication means what is left as the gap facing global communications seems to be the priceless possession which is attitude (Harrell, 2003). It is the individual resolve to prosper as overall attitude determines the quality of life one may live (Harrell, 2003). The gap facing global communication is gradually easing up. Thanks to the contributions of Information technology and its latest electronic communication art.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Read my requirement and write information Assignment

Read my requirement and write information - Assignment Example The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has identified Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to be a common childhood disorder. NIMH states that children as young as seven years old are most vulnerable to ADHD. In addition, the condition affects 5.0% young adults in America. NIMH further explains that 10% of American teenagers (between 13 and 18) are prone to ADHD. The condition is also discriminatory on gender with NIMH claiming that boys are highly at risk as compared to girls (4:1). However, it is not clear why the number of children being affected by the condition is rising by the day. The main motivation for conducting the research is to identify the relationship between anxiety and depressive disorders with the deficit disorder with hyperactivity in children between 6 and 15 years old. The NIMH has identified three major symptoms for ADHD namely; The psychological make-up of children influences their emotions in different situations; that is, they get excited and bored relatively quick. Such character traits may get out-of-hand and influence their personality. As a result, they may portray personality disorders that require immediate mental health care. In a report titled Anxiety and Depressive Disorders in Attention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity, Peter Jensen, Robert Shervette, Stephen Xenakis, and John Ritchers explore the inequality inherent in the diagnosis of ADHD among children. They concluded that family and psychosocial stressors contribute to ADHD for concurrent psychiatric disorders. In addition, they stated that different subtypes of ADHD require different treatment options considering the different etiologic pathways. The variables used for the study were among age, gender, and military rank, whereby 47 children were matched with others in the psychiatric clinic and the pediatric attention deficit disorder clinic. The 47

Friday, August 23, 2019

Autobiography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Autobiography - Essay Example According to the Declaration of Independence, we can only pursue the happiness, we cannot attain it, and so we should consider happiness as the journey, not as a destination (Jefferson). This is the only way we can be happy, because we could enjoy it as a process. Life is like travelling through beautiful fields filled with greenery, but we are so worried about achieving material happiness and riches that we cannot dare to see around and praise the beauty of life. Same goes with this life, we keep on working for our future and keep on postponing our parties and vacations for more money. But at the end, we lose our energy and youth, therefore, rendered unable by our age and cannot be able to avail the happiness which life had to offer. The woman I mentioned in the previous paragraph is me. I spent a very painful life. When I was in the Navy, my male colleagues were always interested in taking advantage of me. But I kept dodging them over the span of my whole service tenure. Despite of the difficulties, I kept on moving forward and learnt how to deal with them eventually, by being reserved and indifferent to their issues all the time. In this way, I was able to keep them away. Finally, I got retired from the Forces after a long time. I returned home where I engaged myself into healthy activities of gardening and housekeeping. After some years from retirement, my son died and he left two children in my custody. Few days later, federal law enforcement officials came and took my grandchildren away from me. I got too frustrated. But I took a decision to take this matter to the court, where I successfully proved that I am in a good health and, therefore, able to take care of my children. Fortunately, court agreed and granted me the custody of the children. From that day on, I am proud of myself, because I was able to take a stand for my children. As I mentioned earlier, I had spent a very painful life; however, these grandchildren are rewards of those pains I suffered in my youth. I am happy seeing them grow, giggle and flourish in front of me. I really enjoy answering their innocent questions about life. I am training them to become strong-willed individuals. I let them take decisions by themselves, so that they learn to face the consequences of their decisions. In this way, they can build an experience about a real and nasty life which they have to face in very near future. Conclusion This paper highlights different facets of my life. My life gives a message of constant struggle in at least one part of everybody’s life, so that one can ripe their fruits later on. The hard work with persistence is a true way to success; an individual should follow his or her own way, because humans come in this world in their original form. They should depart from here in the same way. I stood up for my rights, fought for them and finally won against all the odds. I recommend courage, persistence and determination to all of those who are discouraged due to social pressures. All social systems are made by humans and we can change them. No system in this world is divine in nature, therefore, is subject to change. So, this paper recommends its readers to be original, moving, flexible, yet determined. Work Cited Jefferson, Thomas. Declaration of Independence. International Relations and Security Networks, 1945.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Critique of Gallery Shows of Asian Art Essay Example for Free

Critique of Gallery Shows of Asian Art Essay Asian art can refer to the vast genre of art and artists throughout the Asian continent. The history of Asian art is as varied as the cultures that make up this region of the world. From ancient bronze sculptures in India to the Manga cartoons of Japan, each country has a distinctive perspective on the world around them. In this paper I will look at three proposals for gallery shows of Asian art, each completely unique in their view of Asian culture. The first group looks at â€Å"Pop culture in Asia† focusing on the works of artists Wang Guangyi, Satoshi Kon, Takashi Murakami, and Basak Aditya, as well the art of Japanese tattoos. Organizing such conflicting works together seems disjointed and lacking coherence. Indeed the idea of Pop culture in Asia could be defined in multiple ways, but this grouping lacks consistency and logic. Works by Wang Guangyi, Satoshi Kon and Takashi Murakami, each with their pop art style and references, would be a good match for a show focusing on pop culture. Wang Guangyi reinvents propaganda posters from the 1960’s and 70’s into capitalist propaganda posters, using the same triangular composition and palette. Takashi Murakami is known for his sculptures of highly stylized cartoon or invented characters, referring to the popular culture of Japan or contemporary films. Satoshi Kon is a director of animated films that are loaded with Japanese cultural references and symbolism. I believe the work of these three artists would have been enough for a succinct show of Pop culture in Asia. The addition of the works of Basak Aditya and Japanese tattoos makes this grouping lose its focus. Although the work of Basak Aditya, with his poetic landscapes and dream-like portraits, is interesting, it is not a good fit because they are too personalized and make no references to the pop culture of India. And finally the addition of Japanese tattoos just seems like an arbitrary decision. Although some tattoos may have pop cultural references, the inclusion of photographs of skin art is incompatible with the cohesion of the first three artists in the grouping. The next group â€Å"Art and Power† successfully showed a variety of artwork that represented power throughout the ages. Beginning with paintings from the Chinese era of emperors and using concise language to demonstrate their interpretation of power. This group then looks at the brass and copper sculptures of Buddha, Shiva, and Jambhala, clearly demonstrating the power of religion in the regions of Tibet and India. Next are a grouping of decorative and ceremonial items from Korea, signifying the power of the ruling and upper-classes of ancient Asia. This grouping ends with a group of painting and sculpture of samurais and two thangka paintings. The overall consistency of the objects and paintings used for this grouping makes for a successful exhibition. All the works chosen were clearly indicative of power in this well organized grouping. Finally the last group chose â€Å"Asian Animation† as a theme. Again this is a clear and well put together group of mostly Japanese cartoons and figures. This group first looks at the work of Satoshi Trajiri, and the media franchise of Pokemon. This group clearly spent time on creating colorful cartoon-like backgrounds to add to their clear, well planned presentation. They then look at the illustration work of Akira Toriyama and his colorful, well defined sharp edge illustrations. The group then looks at toys and costumes that are created from these cartoons and comics, again using a similar background to unify the presentation. Although some of the content is repeated at the end of the grouping, the overall vision of presenting these comics and cartoons as art forms is cohesive and easy to understand. The group points out how important comics as an industry is to Japan and their cultural affects throughout the world.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Role Of Electronic Communication Essay Example for Free

The Role Of Electronic Communication Essay Introduction Advertising, IMC and mass communication are some of the proven methods for achieving maximum results for demonstrating a product for sale. Whether it is movies, FMCGs, industrial electronics or automobiles. General Motors, Procter Gamble and AOL spend $2 billion dollar on advertising. McDonald’s spends $1.3 billion per year on advertising. Warner Brothers, Walt Disney and MGM also spend billions of dollars for advertising of cartoons and movies.  Ã‚  Ã‚   In a survey of marketing professionals, it was identified that, media advertising (26 per cent) public relations (25 percent) product placement (13 per cent) opined that these are the worst tools of providing return on investment. Consequent to these opinions, there emerged Integrated brand promotion (IBP) which includes direct marketing, sales promotions and coupons are some of the tools which maximize return on investment.   In spite of all these facts, advertising still continues to be dominant by spending billions of dollars in the media which draws an acceptable fact that advertising is influencing which IBP cannot do for deriving ROI.   â€Å"Integrated Management Communication (IMC) is a process of using promotional tools in a unified way so that a synergistic communication effect is created â€Å" (Thomas C.O,Guinn, p.38) Whereas practice of advertising ethics in the words of Chris moore, Ogilvy and Mather      â€Å"80% of American companies have a written code of ethics and probably 100% of you do too, if you gave it some thought and wrote it down. Ethics happen, or don’t in our relationships with others. Advertisers are in the business of communicating with thousands, even millions of others’ all the time. That gives us thousands or millions of chances to practice what we believe everyday. And try to get it right.† Research question People continue to use television, mobiles, radio, internet, magazines and   newspapers for both domestic and work purposes which gives a clear indication that advertising and communication have speed up the activities of business whether it is in mobiles, electronics or automobiles or FMCGs. H.J.Heinz Company which manufactures green chilli sauce, red chilli sauce, paprika   and   soya sauce has designed its own guidelines for consumer education, public relations, marketing communications and advertising. The company has also its own set of general principles in terms of advertising and communication.  Ã‚   In Darden school of business, there is a team of seven professionals who possess vast experience in communications and marketing.   The impart of education has passed several stages reaching the acme of perfection and innovation. With the above discussion, it cannot be concluded that tech-savvy days have made the role of advertising and communications saturated.   There is still scope for research whereas one definite research question that arises in the minds of companies which is that media that catches the eye of consumer in advertising that sells products faster,   quicker and helps in better target achievement ?. With the availability of world wide web,   advertising, marketing and   selling have become much easier for companies. Another advantage is Internet advertising is proving cost effective for companies as it is tapping millions of customers who are shopping online. sells flowers, gift articles   online and   delivers   the articles and flowers on time all over the world.  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are such other multinational companies such as Microsoft, Dell,   Intel and HP who with the advantage of Internet advertising and marketing have made business a great success by supplying computers, accessories and printers. Research question and explanation    Which is that media that catches the eye of consumer in advertising that sells products faster,   quicker and helps in better target achievement ?. Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) has gained excessive prominence as a new paradigm which states some of the facts that television is no longer holds good view for marketing whereas database is considered as powerful tool for marketing.   Old concepts, strategies and single selling messages   are considered to be invalid by companies with the changing tech-savvy times.   Some of the important tools of IMC are direct marketing, event sponsorship, sales promotions, Internet and   public relations.   Every business needs an idea to advertise and market its product. There is required to be a perfect connection or link of communication between a customer and a company using advertising and marketing as an effective tool to convey a message to purchase products while signifying   importance of products along with use and benefits through advertising and marketing. is one professional company which helps to connects customers and products through the medium of powerful communication. Finelight has a bunch of advertisers, marketers, writers, designers, innovators with professional approach in communication.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The present buzz of IMC will continue as emphasis is laid on outgoing message in communication. Multinational companies by far have been very successful by implementing IMC as it covers the entire stratum of models of marketing. viz., (1) customer database (2) strategies (3) tactics or techniques (4) evaluation of results (5) completion of loop begin # 1 again.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Alternatively, 4P vs 4Cs   (1) Not product care for consumer (2) Not price, care for cost (3) Not place care for convenience (4) Not promotion care for communication. Discussion on theoretical framework   Information in technology times is immeasurably valuable and customer looks for information in every source and how to utilize and derive benefits in every sphere and stage of life. A heavy and reliable source of information is World Wide Web wherein bundles and scrolls of latest information is available for the benefit of customers. Whereas customer should be able to distinguish between a fake news and an acceptable facts of information. sells diamonds and pearls online at a reasonable price and ships all over the world.   The company sends product news to its customers in order to take advantage of discount offers and also to entertain customers about its products.   Such email news provided to the customers is of great benefit and customers do not like to shop elsewhere as the customer service is perfect with  Ã‚   The emphasis here is about the importance of   information and the respect that a customer receives from the company. Whereas there is every possibility for information that gets outdated within no time and information processing is very important for companies in order to keep the customers   updated about products.   World Wide Web entails global competition, quick communication and a constant thrive to stay ahead holding a distinct views and   facts not perceptions about marketing. Fleetboss is a leading developer and distributor of GPS-based fleet management systems. The company has been committed to excellent customer relations and marketing so much that a director has been exclusively appointed for marketing communications which includes media, dealers apart from internal and external communications.   Also directors develops advertising and sales promotions with vast professional experience. Methods    Understanding about customer mindset is the key for effective communication whether it is through Internet, direct selling or magazines, newspapers or mobile marketing. Consumers discard the information that is not important or useful on a day basis. Therefore marketing message must be selected, processed and tested on the following basis: Must be enabled of life experience that can be easily understood and receive the message and concept of communication. e.g. advertisements of deodorants (Axe), Garnier wrinkle lift and Cadbury chocolates. Customer must be related to the idea that is categorized. .e.g. Crack cream that is   useful for women for cracked heels or pain relief external applications for body pains. . Customer must get linked immediately to the communication that is already created in mindset. e.g. Ddamas gold and jewellery advertisement leaves an impact on the customer to search for and buy online. The presentation of message must be acceptable, justifiable and must convey appropriate message. Improper messages are bound to be ignored by the customer which is called as â€Å"judgment system†Ã‚   which means that consumers accept or discard information against what already has been judged to accept, adapt or reject the new material. Rejection of communication proves that sales promotion has been a failure. A marketer who presents non-integrated messages   have to ready to accept risks as the conflicts are bound to arise in the consumer’s information processing. uses mobile communication to send or receive payments from the customers which is directly helpful to customer saving time and easy to get access. No two customer’s taste or choice of purchase is similar with the fact if one customer purchases red roses on line, the other purchases cala lilly flowers. If one customer asks for AMEX card, the other applies for Mastercard.   Especially online identification of customers requires extra care, expert knowledge of human psychology and marketing communication techniques such that the words used on web should be influencing and effective to drive a customer to purchase when visiting web sites for products. Ebay is a globally successful company which is recording sales turnover increasingly as buyers are sellers are enabled to purchase goods online through the medium of auction and brand new sale of goods. World wide web enables electronic payment system, safe delivery of goods and security and encryption of credit cards and debit cards. Business directories, pop-up ads, banner advertisements on web sites, classified ads, search engines such as google, yahoo, overture, sify, rediffmail have been extensively useful in finding products of sale through which these companies have grown to a giant size in a span of less than a decade and still going strong with the growing customer base and innovative selling concepts still pending for testing. and BarnesNobles have a success story in sale of books where latest books are accessed by buyers and purchased. Access to libraries also is a source of cognitive and rationale thinking.  Ã‚   Marketing of products can be communicated through several means via the medium of Internet which is a powerful means of communication as millions are logging to Internet all over the world making www most affordable for online purchases of goods and materials. Literature review    World link Technologies is a broadband solution provider in the city of New York, serving medium and small sized business market providing high-speed data solutions. The company is based on a new business model   (ASPs) focusing only on customer’s needs.   In this world of ever changing of business and commerce, strategies of planning for marketing communication are always under recycling process for renewal of ideas in new millennium. According to an estimate an average American is exposed to 3,000 marketing messages daily via the medium of television, radio, billboard ads, logos on clothes and Internet banners. (Johnson 2001) . Consumer distrust also has increased with the scandals of WorldCom, Arthur Anderson and Enron which were highly reputed until investors were informed about the unethical marketing practices.  Ã‚   This has caused a great attention and a matter of severe concern for multinational companies to practice ethical marketing plans for greater attention of consumers. Emotional selling messages such as ‘soft-sell-approach’ instead of ‘hard-sell’ have been accepted.   PG Web Marketing 2001 launched a ‘seeding approach’ for marketing teeth-whitening product.   This approach considered by experts as a holy grail in twenty-first century marketing communication. ‘We live in interesting times’ – Maurice Levy and Dan O’Donoghue   and these interesting times must be turned to the advantage and benefit of companies as well customers and must not mis-utilised with an acceptable fact that technology, psychology of marketing must sell concepts and products instead of creating scams and scandals. Conclusion    Marketers who are taking the advantage of World Wide Web to market products must take social environments, changing business times and the psychology of a customer.   Consumers always change interests, ideas and choice of purchases. These must be considered coupled with holistic approach in marketing communication.  Ã‚   Internet has carved and shaped several successful multinationals through the medium of marketing communication and this will certainly witness a rapid progress apart from creating employment, selling and buying opportunities, commencement of SMEs   whereas a particular unique business models and marketing communication strategies must be worked out in order to become success on world wide web. References    Books Allen J. (2005) Marketing Communication: New approaches, Technologies,and styles Accessed 1 May 2007 Thomas C.O’Guinn, Christ T.Allen, Richard (2005) Advertising and integrated brand promotion Accessed on 1 May 2007 H.J.Heinz Company Worldwide guidelines Consumer education, Public relations, Marketing communications and Advertising Accessed 1 May 2007 Fleetboss appoints New Marketing Communications Director following a great success in 2003. Accessed 1 May 207 Integrated Marketing Communication    Accessed 1 May 2007 New Business model for ASPs – Marketing communication    Accessed 1 May 2007    Office of communication and marketing    Accessed 1 May2007

The Background To Social Constructivism Theory Sociology Essay

The Background To Social Constructivism Theory Sociology Essay This essay will firstly describe the origins, background and history of the Social Constructionism theory and how it is linked to Social Constructivism. Secondly, the essay will show how this theory affects the way sexuality is viewed and explained. The essay will also show how other aspects such as religion and culture play a key role in sexuality and then examine some of the early sexual reform movements. Finally, it will focus on some modern developments and influences that continue to shape our sexuality in the modern contemporary. In sociological theory of knowledge there is also social constructivism. This term refers to general philosophy in constructing knowledge in social settings where groups collaborate and create small shared culture and shared meanings (Vygosky, 1978). Social constructivism is a theory that is closely linked to social constructionism in a way that in both theories people work together in constructing artifacts. Social constructionism refers to artefacts that are created depending on the social interaction of a group whilst social constructivism address the individual learning that takes place in interactions in a group. The word Social Construction was derived from social constructuctionism by (Berger and Luckmann, 1967) who were the first sociologists to use this word in 1966 when they wrote the book called The Social Construction of Reality. They argue that the word is made up of ordinary common sense. This was quickly followed by Foucault in the 1970s who describes Social Constructi onism as related to human sexuality. According to Berger and Luckmann (1967) social construction has the main features such as typification, institutions and significations. This notion is not only about worldly things but it profoundly affects the way we believe, think, our values attitudes and the way we behave. This means to say that our knowledge is socially constructed and is the centre which defines how the world is. Although sexuality has a diverse meanings Carroll (2007) describes it as mating rituals to create ideas, customs, laws, art and fantasies, around the sexual act. She suggests that generally, sexuality is also a term that determines the feelings and behaviour of human beings in relation to sex. Oakley (1985) describes sexuality as a reproductive aspect that focuses attention on shared functions on humanity by cultural tolerance. According to Oakley sexuality is recognized by power and vitality with some political advantages that accumulate to any man by desirable calibre of spreading his seed far afield and therefore creating many branches of his decent line through different sets of children. In other words, sexuality is learned from culture, family, romantic partners, friends and within the context of society as a whole as well as from other sources. On the hand biological theories of sexuality emphasizes that it is fixed by nature and a strong link between hormones to chromosomes, brain anatomy, genetic patterns due to inborn that differentiate women and men. Bristow (1997) argues that the concept of sexuality is deeply embedded by sexual functioning, ovulation, pregnancy, conception, hormonal release and birth that are controlled by physiological. However, (Butler, 2004) Sexuality refers to natural distinctions in a cultural meanings and social forms which both there is a function of norms. Ones sexuality how to become or know your sexuality it depends on the modes in which is dispossessed. Wittig cited in (Butler, 2004) argues that sexuality is categorized in different ways, some psychologists like Fred tries to attempt it as an issue of genital organized sexuality. This type of sexuality referred to Lesbian who do it as an economy of pleasures which will both challenge the construction of female subjectivity marked by women supposedly distinctive reproductive function. However, this was a construction of proliferation of pleasures through reproductive construction of genitality. Cameroon and Kulick (2003)define reproductive sexuality as a bridging nature and culture that clearly manifest gender between these two dichotomies. Witting cited in (Butler, 2004) describes the lesbian body as sexually constructed since this is subj ective to sex, desire and transforming of gender identity. Heterosexual was considered the only normal which Butler (2004) argues that model of normalization of heterosexual diffuse antigenital sexuality and ignores hegemonic structure of sexuality. In the 19th century during Victorian times sexual practices were kept secret, very confined only regarded in home environment. Sexuality was taken as custody and engaged on in the purpose of reproduction. For example during this modern era time the women status of sex was determined by the way of dressing (Butler, 2004). She points out that married women were only allowed to wear long skirts and there was no clothing worn during their childhood and even in their pre-adolescence. Butler (2004) argue that women sexuality was constructed through sexual status by demonstration of their previous clothing. For example short skirts resembled as a sign of previous sexual experience among women. Women were considered to be very royal and honest after marriage (Butler, 2004) Foucault (1990) argues that during this time everything beyond outside household was regarded as abnormal only gestures, open transgressions and shameless discourse where bodies were displaying themselves was allowed as a norm of the society. Oakley (1972) points out that subordination of women originated from the masculine conception regarding woman, and raised some ideals, norms that strongly influenced women behaviour in lacking power in challenging male view of women sex. Through patriarchy the suppression of women has continued and through social construction the role of women developed into that of the weaker sex who has suffered a lower status than men in society. The social theorists such as Wolkwtiz (2006) describes the construction of sexuality as shaped through bodies by individuals and their identities. In addition to this feminist point out that female body are taken as body of embodiment. Foucault (1978) argues that culture so dominating in influencing sexual desire rather than biological sex drive in human being. However, Feminists theorist believes that the choice on individual sexuality is most influenced on our ideas from the society. They believe that social construction of sexuality is based on power that man has authority for a number of centuries. Oakley (1997), argues that sex identity, gender identity and gender role only show conformity and two possibilities of the identity of masculinity as dominance over femininity. She went on to say that therefore no one was born being as homosexual. In addition, the feminist also outlined that sexual gender inequality is the major issue in subordination of women and being seen as sexual objects by men, which result in sexual aggression such as rape and sexual abstinent. According to Butler (2004) argues that sexuality is socially constructed by the way women are treated, societies have different view on women, their bodies are seen as objects that are suitable to abuse, pornography, sexual harassment and prostitution. The feminist movement has given rise to a large body of theory which attempts to explain sexuality inequalities and set forth agendas for overcoming those inequalities. The major strands of feminism in the west during the twentieth century were liberal, socialist or Marxist and radical feminism. These feminist theories in relation to sexuality contrast markedly with one another. They sought to explain sexuality inequalities through variety of social process, such as sexism, patriarchy and capitalism (Faulcout, 1978). The feminists argue that male sexuality constantly views sex like an act that only men perform on the body of a women involves that invo lves erection of penis and penetration into women vagina. This only supports dominance of men over womens body that resulted from the way society constructing sexuality on human beings. Sexuality as well underwent the same epistemological shift. Postmodernism, in fact, invites to consider sexuality not as a biologically constituted and naturally determined entity that confine the possibility of action and existence of human beings, nor as a place where the true self is kept, but as a plastic entity manufactured by and within the language: sexuality thus is socially and discursively constructed as well. However the Liberal and the Radical Feminists argues about heterosexuality regime in the society. They describe it as a socially compulsory regime that dissipated and masks the existence of women that result in undermining solidarity among women in facing subordination. Some Sociologists such as the Liberal and Radical feminists both argue that heterosexual is related to social constructionism and triggered for instance social violence upon women. They also argue that the distinctive categories of man and women form dangers to construction analysis (Johnson, 2005). The sociologists believe that society plays a vital role in influencing different sexual behaviors in societies. Carroll (2007) argues that family is one of the major factors which influence values for human sexuality. She believes that the construction of sexuality in contemporary societies is mainly emerged through male dominance. Culturally, in modern societies, male sexuality is being viewed as an act that involves mal e genital as having power over women genital and without these men genital do not have power. Sexuality is more shaped by human values and beliefs towards power through engagement of sex. Therefore, there are some negative and positive learned behaviors that women and men do to their sex roles in the society. Butler (2004) believes that construction of sexuality in society emerged through erection of male organ and denial of female orgasm. Our parents and family give strong influential messages about the norm of the societys view of sexuality. Family microsystem also influences how a society views sexuality (Beasley, 2005). In addition, Carroll (2007) argues that family views women as they are naturally born for reproduction and sex is not meant pleasurable for them. According to Butler (2004) criticize the concept of sexuality in a family because it considered all other sexual behaviors as being abnormal, immature and not suitable for human life. Butler (2004) mentions that in fami ly structure women are not allowed to seek any knowledge regarding sex. The ideology of private nuclear family such as the father, mother and children has also seen as social construction and male sexuality dominating. For example in Muslim Families, Women should be dressed in demeanor and long dresses. The feminist believes that social construction of sexuality is based on the power of mens Foucault (1979) identifies religion as a deconstructing theme which influences women in participating sexual activities. He outlines that female sexuality has been internalized in the negative view of their life experiences and social cultural constructions. Foucault (1979) argues that the institutional and structural sources of female sexuality is derived from womens sexual meanings and this impact women lives. Religion was seen as major influential on the construction of female sexuality because it explores sexual attitudes behaviors in marriage relationships. Beasley (2005 ) argues that religion do not prevent premarital sexual behaviors among human but it only enables religious men and women to become inactive in practicing masturbation. He emphasizes that masturbation is a fulfillment of sexual desire by practicing intercourse through oral stimulation of genitals and this is mostly done by inactive religious people. Judaism Islamic heavily argues that Biblical any practice of ma sturbation is regarded as a sin which produce guilt and shame. Johnson, (2005) argues that Christian religions impose beliefs on women that their sexual roles in the society are only to fulfill family desires and needs. These feelings make women inferior and seen being trapped in patriarchal structure of society. Foucault, (1992) claims that such as the Jude- Christian tradition portrays women as objects for the perpetuating mens use. Carroll (2007) mentions that during Victorian era Christianity viewed sexuality only as reproductive activity that only done for pleasure. For example there are two ideologies driven from the Puritans Christianity culture that construct sexuality. One is the Machismo which resembles the superiority of men sexuality over women. Biblically, this means that women should be submissive to their husband and the husband is considered as the head of the family. The other one is the Marianismo that is based on the model that was played by Mary the mother of God . Carroll (2007) claims that women according to their sexuality should accept the superiority of husband as Gods will as it has been done by Mary. Beasley (2005) argues that church is an institute that constructed for female to perform their sexualities according to religious beliefs in patriarchal society. The economy also plays a pivot role in influencing the beliefs and values of societies view of sexuality (Bayer, 1997). He suggests that capitalism like the U.S economy is deeply concerned about the exchange of the services with money. This gives a potential rise in some related sex services such as pornography, sex shops and prostitution. Bayer (1997) outlined that pornography is one of the human activities in the construction of sexuality. Foucault (1978) also argues that the human activity such as sex workers is also dominating in the construction of the notion of sexuality and commodification that conceptualizes selling of sex as normal. Pornography is the stigma which has a social meaning in disciplining womens sexual behaviors in the western world Foucault (1984). Butler (2004) maintains that women sexuality in sex selling is exposed in terms of dressing sexy, nakedness and dancing and these social behaviors can make them attractive and identity is mostly created by sexual perf ormances. She claims that selling of sex signifies the objectivity women body in their sexuality. In addition Butler (2004) identifies that the decorative object materials such as fingernails polish, stripped toothpaste, earrings and necklaces are seen as decorative labour for women in construction of their identity and put a boundary between male and female sexuality. However, the Postmodernism, consider sexuality as naturally determined and constituted in the existence and action of human beings where there is no truth of self but confined in the entire plastic. Moore and Zuccarini (2009) suggest that pornography resulted due the economy of well-developed countries such as U.S.A, Britain where women from poor countries are trafficked for sex. This view is supported by Johnson (2005) who views the construction of sexuality through the means of graphic sexually exploitation and subornation of women thorough words and pictures in imitation of their bodies. Beasley ( 2005) argues that the sexuality of human sexuality such as women are more of dehumanization of their bodies, they are seen as sexual objects, presented in body parts such as buttocks, limited to vaginas, breasts, they present pleasure in rape. Media is a primary source which constitutes parts of international and national industries with related superficial reports on prostitution and trafficking women (Dorwkin, 1981). He went on to say that this result in the objectifying of femininity and sexuality images among women. Dorwkin (1981) argues that media portrays the femininity sexuality give a powerful perpetuation dominant power structures to masculinity. Bayer (1987) also argues media such as magazines, mahogany has some photographs that construct images of femininity and female sexuality which produce fantasizing desires and pleasures in a limited way. Carroll (2007) argues that media plays a vital role in shaping the public opinion, interests and directing hearts and mind of the public in sexual political realm. Bayer (1987) also argues that medias representation of characteriscs of homosexuality during their publication is not fully expressed and it does not show fully homosexual characters and it only expresses this i dea as normal to the public. Dorwkin (1981) also claims that media behaves in a way the society deems appropriate. For example the lesbians shown on national television media do not show there real characters. Dorwkin (1981) went on to say the absence of a performance of lesbianism is not simply the absence of lesbian sex, but the absence of any representation of lesbianism as a factor that it encourages the society to lesbian identity.  The invisibility of lesbianism character not only allows heartbeat to avoid any substantial portrayal of an experience outlawed by the dominant patriarchal discourse, but to obscure homophobia. Bristow (1997) suggest that the invisibility of lesbianism supports patriarchal values by removing the need to confront the homophobia and heterosexist/sexism that visible lesbianism signifies. He went on to claim that the sanitization for public consumption is always prevalent with the exception of when they do show gay characters, they are usually portray ed in a stereotypical, feminine fashion such as Nathan Lane in the movie. For example, the Birdcage or with the stigma of the gay man with AIDS, such as Tom Hanks in Philadelphia.   Johnson (2005) identifies that continuing prevalence of stigmatization and stereotyping of those considered deviant serves to maintain status and control of power the notion of heterosexuality as the norm of the society. However, Moore and Zuccarini (2009) argue that media contribute to the process of commodification of sexuality and promote cultural stereotypes around sex work even through their ostensibly disapproving reports on trafficking. They are different cultures which are also seen in the contributing to construction of human sexuality such as, transsexuals, cross-dressers, transvestites, intersex individuals those born with ambiguous genitals Carroll (2007). Some surgical techniques were performed in the construction of their gender and sexuality. Sex reassignment surgery was developed to help bring transsexuals biology into line with their inner lives. Carroll (2007) points out that construction of sexuality on transsexuals depends on the interests, values and the individuals beliefs on being recognised a as being male or female. Moore and Zuccarin (2009) draw attention to the distinctive categories of female and male genitals which are constructed and the use of silicone implants in creating breasts. They claim that the artificial constructions of the genital organs motivate the beliefs to those who recognise it as a fulfilment of their sexuality. Joseph (2009) also claims that some other cultures like the Pers ian Gulf country of Oman transsexual they undergo ritual castration where all their parts of genitals are removed and they believe this gives them special powers to bless male children. In addition to this Joseph ( 2008) also points out that in the contemporary culture, language such as the pornified messages are communicated through print and electronic media which a being seen as sexual liberating. Moore and Zuccarini (2009) argues that liberation of sexuality is only intimate part of humanity and its liberation expression can only be fulfilled and empowered and there is a major different experience in todays culture which result in capitalist commodification of sexuality in the whole society. Weeks (2000) also argues that the concept of bio power by Foucault which relate to power constructed by industrialisation in supporting cultural hegemony in capitalism. He emphasis that biopower is strongly linked to bio politics construction of sexuality and it regulates human sexuality int o categories. The medical community also influences how a society views sexuality. For example, many years ago physicians taught that masturbation was a disease that could lead to permanent mental illness. This attitude influenced societal opinions of masturbation. Other behaviors in which physicians urged people not to engage included anal intercourse, extramarital sex, homosexuality, and bisexuality. Societys values about these behaviors were guided by the medical communitys attitudes and beliefs. A fifth influence that regulates sexual behavior in the United States is the law (Carroll, 2007). The law establishes what sexual behaviors are officially right and wrong. For example, laws regulate the availability of certain contraceptive methods, abortion, and certain sexual behaviors. Laws help establish social norms and influence societal attitude. To conclude, many sociological issues contribute to the construction of categories of sexuality and gender identity in our society.   The primacy of masculinity versus femininity, the categorizing of deviants as abnormal or needing psychiatric treatment, and the role of power in American society all contribute to explaining and understanding the role of deviance in our society.   There are also several tools that serve to maintain, enforce, and reinforce these categories, but the strongest uniting factor is the imputation of negative status for that which is deviant.   Foucault (1984) argues that we should avoid applying terms of behaviour to individuals.   Rather than using terms such as heterosexual and homosexual to describe persons, we should use them in describing the nature of overt sexual relations. I think he posed this idea in light of conducting objective, unbiased research and the realization that the use of these terms was too restrictive and limiting to character ize a person based on their sexual behaviour.   From a deeper point of view there is lot of evidence that there are so many factors that contribute in the determination on how society feels about sexuality.  

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Creon as the Hero of Sophocles Antigone Essay examples -- Antigone es

Creon as the Hero of Antigone       The dilemma of identifying the true hero, or heroine, of Sophocles’ Antigone has tortured students for years. It is indeed a difficult decision to make. The basis for this decision is what the reader perceives to be Sophocles’ dramatic issue in this play. The dramatic issue of the play is twofold: Antigone is a fanatic who is driven by her religious fever to bury the body of her criminal brother, Polyneices, against the edict of Creon. In the second part, Sophocles shows how the new King Creon’s refusal to change his decision in the face of adversity is admirable, but at the same time his political morals end up destroying his family. His fall from grace is tragic, whereas Antigone's fall is welcome.   In this manner, Sophocles sympathizes with Creon, and thus he becomes the hero of the Antigone.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Contrary to the belief of Jebb, a critic of Antigone, Antigone cannot be the heroine of Antigone. There are several reasons for this: she is a one-dimensional character who does not go through any development during the course of the play, her behavior is illogical and does not evoke a sense of pity from the audience nor the chorus, and her personal vendetta outshines her religious goal.   These same reasons are also basis for the dismissal of the claims of Hogan, another critic of Antigone who has Antigone and Creon as dual heroes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Antigone’s character does not evolve in the play. Jebb sees her as enthusiastic, "at once steadfast and passionate, for the right as she sees it- for the performance of her duty," and having an "intense tenderness, purity, and depth of domestic affection" (Jebb 1902 p.12); Calder and I disagree with this statement. Calder is a critic of the pla... more likely the tragic hero of Antigone, rather than Antigone herself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   At first glance, Sophocles’ Antigone seems to have two protagonists, Antigone and Creon. The hero cannot be Antigone because of her one-dimensional character, illogical behavior and lack of pitifulness. And upon closer inspection, it is revealed that Creon is indeed the tragic hero, through the fact that his original edict concerning the burial of Polyneices contained the means of Creon’s downfall. Works Cited Calder, William M. III (1968). Sophokles' Political Tragedy, Antigone. GRBS 9, 389-407. Hogan, James C. (1972). The Protagonists of the Antigone. Arethusa 5, 93-100. Sophocles (1902). Antigone (Richard Jebb, Trans.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Sophocles (1991). Antigone (David Green, Trans.). Chicago: The Universiry of Chicago Press.   

Monday, August 19, 2019

Teaching: A Priceless Profession Essay -- Teachers Education Essays

Teaching: A Priceless Profession What if there was a career that not only inspired people to be lawyers and brain surgeons, but was also responsible for motivating the average fast food employee to take just as much pride and initiative in their work? Although most people underestimate the profound role that educators play in today’s society, teachers have a tremendous responsibility. They have the opportunity to not only challenge their students intellectually, but they can teach them how to gear what they have learned toward positive goals and how to use their knowledge for good. As a potential educator, it is my hope I can provide a stronger educational background for my students, but more importantly, they will leave my classroom with a strong sense of who they are. I hope to teach them to have compassion and a regard for others. My goal is to help students understand that it does not matter what occupation they end up pursuing. All that matters is that they do their job to the best of their ability. Although a certain career may not pay as much as another, in many other ways, it can be just as rewarding. I want my students to understand that even though they may be labeled as unimportant by other people, they can still accomplish great things. I have found these principles to be very true after watching the life of my grandfather. He was not a doctor or a great business man, instead, he was a coal miner. In all of the movies, West Virginia’s coal miners are portrayed as leading uneducated and unhappy lifestyles. My grandpa proved that this certainly was not the case. He was one of the smartest men I have ever known and although his job may not have appeared to be of any great importance, he proved that he could acc... ... from experience and the teacher is only a guide or a supervisor of their learning. I prefer progressivism over any other philosophy because education should be geared more towards the needs and interests of the students. My overall teaching philosophy is to be a good role model for the students, to teach them that everybody is unique, and that they are all of equal importance. Teaching may not be the best paying profession, but I feel that if do my best, I can achieve great things. It does not matter how much the salary will be. What matters the most is that teaching can be an everyday adventure and it is extremely rewarding to know that you have made such an impact on someone else. As an educator, I hope to not only prepare students to move on to the next level, but to teach them values and principles that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Comparing the Books, Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About the Sixties and The Sixties: Y :: American America History

Comparing the Books, Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About the Sixties and The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage The preface to Peter Collier and David Horowitz's Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About the Sixties and the introduction to Todd Gitlin's The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage both try to explain the authors' reasons for writing their books. Both books, based on nostalgia, deal with the good and the bad which have come out of the sixties. However, while Collier and Horowitz describe the sixties more as a time of destruction, Gitlin places more emphasis on the spirited atmosphere which led to the destruction. This destruction they all refer to includes the diminished placement of trust in America, the rising problem of drugs, and the overall havoc created throughout the country. Therefore, the authors give two very different descriptions of the era of which they were all a part. Even in the beginnings of the works, the differences are very noticeable. Collier and Horowitz begin by trying to describe a "summary moment" (Collier and Horowitz 11) of the decade. This "moment" involves a revolutionary group known as the Black Panther Party. The authors seem to criticize this group by commenting on their appearances and their actions in certain events. For example, at a cocktail party, one Panther spit in the face of an army draftee because he brought a black friend from the army home while on leave. When the Panther returned to the party, the people present pretended not to notice that anything had happened. Later, when misunderstandings occurred between two guests at the party which resulted in one of them making a racial remark, anger was fueled in the group and among others who had heard about the event. Collier and Horowitz, when remarking on their reactions, emphasize that while in ordinary times the event would not have caused many problems, during the sixties, people considered it more of a sign that revolution was worthwhile. Perhaps the authors were suggesting that the revolution was created out of exaggerated problems or that those leading the revolution, such as the Black Panthers, did not quite understand why they were leading it. Collier and Horowitz seem imply this belief through the portrayal of the Panthers as uneducated when listening to Genet speak on their behalf: "The Panthers milled around in sullen incomprehension as he talked" (P.12). These tend to be their reasons for why the revolution caused so much destruction. On the other hand, Gitlin begins his introduction by describing his Comparing the Books, Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About the Sixties and The Sixties: Y :: American America History Comparing the Books, Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About the Sixties and The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage The preface to Peter Collier and David Horowitz's Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About the Sixties and the introduction to Todd Gitlin's The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage both try to explain the authors' reasons for writing their books. Both books, based on nostalgia, deal with the good and the bad which have come out of the sixties. However, while Collier and Horowitz describe the sixties more as a time of destruction, Gitlin places more emphasis on the spirited atmosphere which led to the destruction. This destruction they all refer to includes the diminished placement of trust in America, the rising problem of drugs, and the overall havoc created throughout the country. Therefore, the authors give two very different descriptions of the era of which they were all a part. Even in the beginnings of the works, the differences are very noticeable. Collier and Horowitz begin by trying to describe a "summary moment" (Collier and Horowitz 11) of the decade. This "moment" involves a revolutionary group known as the Black Panther Party. The authors seem to criticize this group by commenting on their appearances and their actions in certain events. For example, at a cocktail party, one Panther spit in the face of an army draftee because he brought a black friend from the army home while on leave. When the Panther returned to the party, the people present pretended not to notice that anything had happened. Later, when misunderstandings occurred between two guests at the party which resulted in one of them making a racial remark, anger was fueled in the group and among others who had heard about the event. Collier and Horowitz, when remarking on their reactions, emphasize that while in ordinary times the event would not have caused many problems, during the sixties, people considered it more of a sign that revolution was worthwhile. Perhaps the authors were suggesting that the revolution was created out of exaggerated problems or that those leading the revolution, such as the Black Panthers, did not quite understand why they were leading it. Collier and Horowitz seem imply this belief through the portrayal of the Panthers as uneducated when listening to Genet speak on their behalf: "The Panthers milled around in sullen incomprehension as he talked" (P.12). These tend to be their reasons for why the revolution caused so much destruction. On the other hand, Gitlin begins his introduction by describing his

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Faculty Competitiveness at a State University Essay

Not only that universities’ focus is onto students but also to each and every members of the state universities and from this, faculty members, staff and employees must be given due credit and importance for their worth helping each universities foster high quality education. PUP The University employs 1,483 full-time and part-time faculty members with a few of the full-time faculty holding administrative positions. There are 707 regular and casual administrative employees who provide support services to the University population. The faculty spend two-thirds of their time in teaching and one-third in research and extension activities. Awards Received: †¢It was recognized as a Centre for the Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program, which allows the PUP to confer degrees on many professionals who have yet to obtain their baccalaureate degrees after enrolling in a non-traditional structure course of learning. †¢President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo proclaimed PUP as Philippine National Comprehensive University in 2004, during the university’s centennial. †¢The PUP has obtained recognition as a Centre for Development in the field of Information Technology from the Commission on Higher Education. †¢Named as the Virtual Centre for Technology Innovation by the Department of Science and Technology. †¢The university was deemed the First Cyber University IT Park in the Philippines by the Philippine Economic Zone Authority. †¢Ave Perez Jacob – Palanca Awardee, Writer †¢Domingo De Guzman, Lecturer – Palanca Awardee, Psychoanalyst UP Almost 26. 6 per cent of its faculty have doctorate degrees and 36. 2 per cent have master’s degrees. The rest are working on their graduate studies. Awards Received: †¢Dr. Caesar Saloma, Dean of the College of Science, UP Diliman was awarded the ASEAN Outstanding Scientist and Technologist Award. The awarding took place during the 8th ASEAN Science and Technology Week held in Manila on July 7, 2008. The award is given every three years. †¢Dr. Walden Bello, a professor of Sociology at UP Diliman, received the Outstanding Public Scholar Award for 2008 from the International Political Economy (IPE) Section of the International Studies Association (ISA). He is only the second person to receive the award, the first being Dr. Susan George of France in 2007. George wrote the book How the Other Half Dies, which deals with global hunger. Bello received the award on March 28, 2008 during the ISA’s 49th annual meeting in San Francisco, California. †¢Wayne Dell Manuel, a software developer at the National Telehealth Centre of the University of the Philippines, bested more than 700 other international contestants to win the Google Map Maker Global Competition. The contest encourages Google Map users from around the world to map universities, schools and hospitals to enable humanitarian organizations to navigate countries during times of crisis. ? †¢Lourdes Cruz, a professor at the Marine Science Institute of the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City is one of the recipients of the 2010 L’Oreal-UNESCO Awards in the Life Sciences, for discovering the use of snail toxins to study brain functions. She is one of five exceptional women scientists in the world to be awarded by the UNESCO on March 4, 2010, in Paris, France. †¢Filipino environmental advocate and UP College of Law professorial lecturer, Antonio Oposa Jr. was among the recipients of the prestigious Ramon Magsaysay Award for â€Å"his path breaking crusade to engage Filipinos in acts of enlightened citizenship that maximize the power of law to protect and nurture the environment for themselves, their children, and generations still to come. † Awarding ceremonies was held at the Cultural Center of the Philippines on Aug. 31, 2009. †¢Prof. Matthew M. Santamaria of the UP Asian Center was among the eight professors and students who made up the Philippine delegation to the Shanghai Theatre Expo 2009. The delegation, headed by Prof. Ricardo Abad of Ateneo de Manila University and Nick Lizaso of UNESCO ITI-Philippines, represented the country in the scheduled â€Å"Theme Workshops. † †¢Distinguished writer and UP professor Jose â€Å"Butch† Dalisay Jr. became the first Filipino to participate in the PENÃ'Ž World Voices Festival of International Literature, a gathering of about 160 writers from more than 50 countries, held from April 27 to May 3, 2009. EARIST EARIST in its 10 colleges consists of 400 faculty members and staffs. 350,000 Alumni members are presently working in the different fields of discipline all over the world with special mention; in the USA, Europe, Asian countries, and in the Philippines as Government Officials such as; Secretary, Deputy Secretary in the Philippine Cabinet, Senate, member of the Congress, etc. Recognition: †¢Baccalaureate College for Liberal Arts †¢Comprehensive Teaching and Baccalaureate University Level II †¢Graduate Capable HEI’s Level III †¢(Results of the CARNEGIE 2003 Classification Evaluation on the Typology of Philippine Higher Education) †¢Awarded Level II Status in the fourteen Degrees Programs (Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines) †¢Rated SUC Level II by CHED-DBM-PASUC Leveling EvaluationÃ'Ž SOURCES: http://www. pup. edu. ph/academic/colleges. asp â€Å"UP employee wins Google map contest,† Manila Standard Today, March 3, 2010. â€Å"Science prof chosen for UNESCO award in the life sciences,† Philippine Star, October 25, 2009. â€Å"Environmentalist wins Ramon Magsaysay Award,† Manila Standard Today, August 4, 2009. Manila Bulletin, June 5, 2009. â€Å"First Filipino in PEN World Voices Festival in New York,† Manila Bulletin, May 23, 2009.

Friday, August 16, 2019


2/15/2013 background on transformation of bacteria with pGLO plasmid Experiment #5 Aim: Purpose of this lab is to have plasmid activity transformed Material: Bacteria starter plate, pGLO DNA Plasmid, microcentrifuge tubes, Ice, water bath, CaCl2 Transformation solution, (LB) agar plate, (LB/Amp) agar plate, (LB/Amp/ara) agar plate, Micropipette, and Micropipette tips. Method: Genetic transformation is a procedure which is done by taking genes from one organism and putting them in another organism.A gene is a piece of DNA that instruct for making a new protein and from this protein organism a certain trait. A gene is inserted into an organism in order to change the organism’s trait. This procedure lab is divided into two day lab. On day one, we started the procedure with getting agar plate where HB101 bacteria were growing for 24 hours at 37C. We began by first labeling two microtubes; one with (+pGLO) and second with (-pGLO). 250ul of transformation solution which we used (CaC l2) was transfer to each tubes and placed those tubes on ice.HB101 bacteria single colony was picked by using sterile inoculation loop and immersed into (+pGLO) tube and later immersed into (-pGLO) using same technique. Both time we used different sterile inoculation loop. The tubes were placed back into the ice after mixing well the colony each time. The pGLO plasmid DNA was added by the instructor into (+pGLO) not into (-PGLO) tube and placed the tube back into ice. The tubes were incubated on ice for 10 minutes. Once done incubating both tubes were performed heat shocks at 42 degree C temperature for 50 second.Both tubes were immediately placed into the ice for another 2 minutes. After 2 minutes, 250ul of LB broth was added to each tube and again incubated for 10 minutes at room temperature. Once the incubation was done, we transferred 100ul of cell suspension to the plates which was provided by using the table LB/Amp| LB/Amp/ara| LB/Amp| LB| (+pGLO)| (+pGLO)| (-pGLO)| (-pGLO)| O nce the cell suspension was transferred, cells were gently spread 10 swipes using inoculation loop on the agar and rotated the plate 45 degree. The plates were placed into incubator at 37 degrees by turning he tubes upside down and taping them. Result: